Judge Throws Temper Tantrum
Also... Matt Gaetz as Attorney General is something we have to contemplate?
Also... Matt Gaetz as Attorney General is something we have to contemplate?
After this, you'll probably be even more convinced that judge shopping is a problem.
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The most activist court in the nation wants you to know they will not suffer anyone questioning the constitutionality of Republican policies.
* Judge Edith Jones writes a letter to the Wall Street Journal blasting the Federal Circuit's actions to sideline Judge Pauline Newman. [Wall Street Journal] * Blind Side subject Michael Oher has filed to end the conservatorship of the couple he lived with. Oher alleges that he believed he was being adopted when in reality he handed over substantial financial rights and no one checked for almost two decades. [Bloomberg Law News] * Black lawyer says he was handcuffed while a judge ordered him to produce documents or settle the case. [ABA Journal] * Lawsuit claims that state law illegally favors Iowa wineries. In other news, Iowa has wineries. [DMR] * Class action suits filed against Hawaiian utility companies over fires. [Law.com] * ABA considering rule requiring law schools to adopt written free speech policies. No way this just turns into a cudgel for powerful interests to squelch protest under the moniker of "free speech." Yep, no way at all! [Reuters] * Former FBI agent admits taking cash from sanctioned Russian oligarchs. [Law360]
Clearly a lot of animosity between the majority author and herself.
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Kind of puts a lot of the past into perspective.
For Judge Jones, the victory must be bittersweet.
Eric Holder is right: we are cowards.
A high-profile judge prevails against her critics.
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Don't condescend to the judges on your appellate panel, and try to show up wearing pants...
Highlights from Justice Thomas's hilarious and heartwarming remarks at last night's Federalist Society dinner.
* When SCOTUS cases involve public companies and rulings are misinterpreted, it can lead to some pretty volatile stock performance, as was evidenced by yesterday’s highs and lows for Myriad Genetics of BRCA1 patent fame. [Washington Post] * The ethics complaint against Judge Edith Jones of the Fifth Circuit has been transferred to the D.C. Circuit after receiving a blessing from the Chief Justice of the United States. Uh oh, that’s serious business if Roberts is involved. [Times-Picayune] * The number of women working in the NLJ 350 is sad. They make up only one-third of all attorneys working in Biglaw, and we’re stuck celebrating the tiniest positive changes. Sigh. [National Law Journal] * Proskauer Rose’s former CFO, Elly Rosenthal, settled her $10M disability discrimination suit against the firm in anticlimactic fashion, “without costs to any party as against the others.” [Am Law Daily] * California is obviously trying to one-up New York with this one. In addition to a 50-hour pro bono requirement, they’re pushing for 15 hours of real-world training before bar admission. [The Recorder] * Try to stop a man from throwing a pie in your husband’s face and in return you’ll be served with your wifely walking papers a few years later. Aww, Rupert Murdoch is such a kind old man. [Bloomberg]
* The first rule of Insider Trading Club is, you do not send discoverable e-mails about Insider Trading Club. [Dealbreaker] * Arnold & Porter staged a mock Olympics last time around. Now we’re just waiting for the other shoe to drop and we learn that the antitrust group was doping. [Washington Post] * Georgetown Law student Bindhu Parmathi crowned Miss District of Columbia! She will go on this September to participate in the Miss America pageant (aka “The pageant that Donald Trump doesn’t own). [The Examiner] * To recap: TSA took the stance that knives should be allowed on planes, but balked at fictional Jedi weapons. Yay America! [Lowering the Bar] * Illinois passes some of the strictest fracking regulations in the country. That’s a reference to hydraulic fracturing. Not just dropping Battlestar Galactica references. [Breaking Energy] * Indiana thinks it can discipline lawyers for criticizing a judge via private email. I would say that’s an insane misreading of the law, but I don’t want to get disciplined in Indiana, which sounds like the terrible prequel to Fifty Shades of Grey (affiliate link). [The Indiana Lawyer] * Five businessmen take off their pants to protest taxes. This is a bad precedent. I don’t want to see any of these Tea Party folks take off their pants. [TaxProf Blog] * Congrats to ATL reader Alicia Long, as well as co-author Jayne Jones, on publishing their new book Capitol Hell. [Amazon (affiliate links)] * The Judge Edith Jones incident should raise the national concern to improve diversity on the bench. But it won’t. [Judicial Clerk Review] * More follow-up on CBS’s improper campaign ad totally objective news documentary “Brooklyn D.A.” [New York Daily News] * If fans in the front row of your concert start holding out papers for you to grab, DON’T DO IT! Unless you want to get sued. Video after the jump, courtesy of Gawker…
A group of civil rights organizations recently filed a misconduct complaint against Judge Edith Jones of the Fifth Circuit. A former Jones clerk, Tamara Tabo, comes to the judge's defense.